Friday, May 20, 2005

Ambient Collective - My website musical project

Aye aye! Major overhaul at H.Q.. We are talking a total revamp and a new glossy look. Yep, even though I was off for almost 10 weeks from work, I have only just decided to work on the website and give a new look and feel... And you know what? I'm impressed. Now, I just need people to visit and sign up and plug there tracks! wafflewafflewaffle.....

Did a healing Monday just gone (first in months) and it went really well although the music I used was very veeeeery laid back and even I almost fell into a trance like sleep! It was the first time I used music too so I'm going to need to practice staying awake I think or I'll be falling asleep all over my patients LOL. Just in case you are interested in what kind of healing I do; it's natural "hands on" healing. It's not Reiki but more of an original American Indian style which I guess has been passed down my through my Mothers' side of the family (Cree). Anyhow, enough hocus pocus for now...

Speak soon and be nice :)


Sunday, May 01, 2005

Back online!

Wahey... back online after a month of being offline.

And... erm. Not a lot has happened really.


Oh... hang on.

Nope, it's gone!

Until next time!!
